Restorative Justice


Restorative Justice is becoming more and more popular. Expanding beyond the criminal justice systems and schools to organizations and even C-suites across the country, restorative justice offers a way to build healthy, thriving environments by focusing on relationships and community. Beatriz and Ryan explain their unique approach and skill set and how it allows them to effectively support the implementation of restorative processes to create more equitable, inclusive, productive, and dynamic cultures.  You'll walk away with concrete tools and techniques that you can apply in your setting to build community, address harm/conflict and create a more restorative setting.


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Who should attend

Those interested in learning more about how to implement restorative practices in your organization or even in your personal life.


Registration will be limited to 40 participants.


Beatriz Alcazar is a Chicana social worker that prides herself on providing culturally relevant support. As a bilingual and bicultural social worker, she is focused on helping develop equitable and just cultures, systems, and programs. Beatriz has over 15 years of human service experience in a variety of sectors. For the past five years, Beatriz has been working with educators on program development within schools. She has helped implement restorative and equitable practices while bringing a social-emotional learning lens to all her work. Her work has resulted in press coverage and national recognition.  

Beatriz has a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Multicultural Studies from Sonoma State University and a master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. She holds a postgraduate certificate in Collaborative Leadership from Hamline University and is formally trained in behavior management, ethnic studies, restorative practices, and mediations. She maintains clinical social work licensure, school social work licensure, and ADHD Clinical Service Provider certification.

Ryan Virden is an educator, author, and cultural worker based in Minneapolis. Ryan works with individuals and organizations to develop mindsets and build skills in handling conflict across lines of difference. He has worked with schools and organizations across the country as they move towards creating restorative cultures within their setting. Most notably, he served as Restorative Justice Coordinator for Minneapolis Public Schools and is currently a professor at St. Thomas University in the peace and justice department. Ryan has authored several pieces which can be found at Teaching for Tolerance, The Good Men Project, Twin Cities Daily Planet, Teaching While White among several other platforms. Ryan has a bachelor’s degree in Social Studies, as well as MLS and M. Ed degrees focused on critical studies, equity and inclusion.